Nicaraguan rights activists to US government: apply all laws against Ortega dictatorship.
«The Ortega regime needs to be recognized for what it is, an illegitimate dictatorship hanging to power by illegal means. It is supported by criminal activity and is unable to allow the exercise of human rights. The regime is a destabilizing force in the midst of a region in crisis, and it seeks to survive with the help of a more active and open Russian intervention.»
Declaration of Unity of Nicaraguans in the United States
Activists from the Nicaraguan communities in the United States, across party lines, have issued a strong condemnation of the documented human rights abuses taking place under the dictatorship of Daniel Ortega and his wife Rosario Murillo, and ask the US government to “fully apply all U.S. laws that permit the government of the United States to sanction those involved in corruption and human right abuses in Nicaragua.” Approximately 150,000 Nicaraguans have fled the country since April of 2018. This is equivalent to 8,250,000 citizens escaping the United States. Hundreds have been killed, many have disappeared, laws have been rewritten and applied retroactively to criminalize political dissent, leading to the kidnapping-style capture (no warrant, no contact with lawyers or family, no known destination) of Ortega-Murillo’s opponents, including all presidential hopefuls (elections were on the calendar for November 7 of this year). The signers list a series of actions that the US government should take to effectively push back against Ortega-Murillo and defend human rights in Nicaragua, as well as democracy and stability in the region. The FSLN, they argue, should be declared “a terrorist organization”, and the Nicaraguan Army’s complicity with the regime needs to be undermined by targeting the hundreds of millions of dollars in assets they have invested in the United States and Europe. The letter has been sent to President Biden, Congressional leaders, and other elected politicians across the country. The full text of it is below.